Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd on Wednesday revealed the new tariffs of its ‘All in One’ plans with unlimited voice and data services. The new tariffs range from ₹199 a month to ₹2,199 for one year. The customers will get 28 days validity, on a top up of ₹199, 56 days for ₹399, 84 days for ₹555 and 365 days for ₹2,199 recharge. The customers will now get 1.5 GB data per day instead of 2 GB earlier and unlimited Jio to Jio calling. The new rates will come into effect from 6 December.
Airtel has merged its popular ₹169 and ₹199 plans into a single ₹248 pack. Their previous 28-day validity remains the same. The tariff hike for users of its ₹169 pack comes to be 47%, highest among its peers, although customers will now get 1.5GB of data per day, 50% more from what they were getting earlier and the same as what the ₹199 plan user was enjoying. Vodafone Idea’s latest prepaid tariffs come with validity periods of 2 days, 28 days, 84 days and 365 days.
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